시사영어-심상대의 타임즈리딩

2013-04-22     법률저널


   심상대 강사


North Korea should seize the moment for dialogue

≪에빙하우스 망각이론 토대 학습 : 10분 후 복습 1일 기억, 1일 후 또 복습 1주일 기억, 1주일 후 복습 1달 기억, 1달 후 복습 6개월 이상 기억!≫

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who is currently on a Northeast Asia tour of South Korea, China, and Japan, said that the US is willing to talk directly with North Korea, hinting that a special envoy could possibly be sent to the North before long. North Korea, which celebrated the 101st birthday of Kim Il-sung on Apr. 15, also seems inclined to refrain from missile launches and other provocative behavior. It appears that, little by little, the conditions necessary to start negotiations are falling into place. During his visit to South Korea, Kerry made clear that the US intends to use dialogue to resolve the current issues connected with the Korean peninsula. His comment about sending a special envoy to North Korea suggests that the US is creating a method of dialogue along with neighboring countries, and that it is weighing the conditions necessary for initiating talks.

“North Korea must take meaningful steps to show that it will honor commitments it has already made,” Kerry said during a speech at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Analysts interpret “meaningful steps” as a reference to North Korea making a public commitment to denuclearization and declaring that it will stop developing nuclear materials and launching missiles. It is appropriate to make these demands, since North Korea declared that it has nullified the Sep. 19 joint statement and other existing agreements. However, before that happens, both sides need to make contact through the appropriate channels, such as North Korea’s UN mission. Figuring out the other side’s true intentions will be a significant help in getting the talks off the ground.

In Kerry’s tour of the region, China agreed to take joint action with the US to achieve the objective of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This shows that China will take a more active role than before in creating the right mood for negotiations. The US even hinted that it could reduce the missile defense system that it has deployed in the Asia-Pacific region in a bid to get China to take action. China must make full use of its resources to enable talks between the US and North Korea and the six-party talks to reopen smoothly. Another notable change is Japan’s decision to change its position to support talks. In the past, Japan had not hidden its hostile attitude toward the North Korean regime. North Korea continues to state that it will strengthen its nuclear capacity. Since North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said that building the country’s nuclear capacity is one of the greatest achievements of his rule, it will not be easy for North Korea to publicly back away from this.

However, as long as the North clings to its nuclear weapons and missiles, it will not be able to form the friendly international mood that is essential for economic development, let alone convince other countries to shelve their hostile policies toward the North as Kim himself has demanded. We urge North Korea to respond with enthusiasm to the opportunity for talks that is developing, since such opportunities do not come often. It is also important for the South Korean government to make an effort. But since the North has for the moment rejected the proposal for talks made by the South, things are at a standstill. For now, one approach is to support the possibility of talks between the US and North Korea, while not giving up on the hope of inter-Korean dialogue. The ROK-US summits scheduled for the beginning of next month will be a good opportunity to

North Korea should seize the moment for dialogue

북한 대화할 수 있는 기회 잡아야

[1st] =============================================================

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who is currently on a Northeast Asia tour of South Korea, China, and Japan,/ said that the US is willing to talk directly with North Korea,/ hinting that a special envoy could possibly be sent to the North before long.

현재 한·중·일 세 나라를 순방중인 존 케리 미국 국무장관이/ 북한과 기꺼이 직접 대화할 것이라고 말하면서/ 머잖아 대북 특사를 보낼 수 있음을 내비쳤다.

North Korea, which celebrated the 101st birthday of Kim Il-sung on Apr. 15, also/ seems inclined to refrain from missile launches and other provocative behavior.

4월 15일 김일성 주석 생일(태양절)을 맞은 북한도/ 미사일 발사 등 도발적 행위를 자제하는 쪽으로 기운 것 같다.

It appears that, little by little, the conditions necessary to start negotiations are falling into place.

조금씩 협상을 시작할 수 있는 필수적인 조건들이 만들어지는 모양새다.

During his visit to South Korea,/ Kerry made clear/ that the US intends to use dialogue to resolve the current issues connected with the Korean peninsula.

① 방한 동안,/ ② 케리 장관은 (④) 분명히 했다./ ④ 미국이 한반도 관련 현안들을 대화로 풀기위해 대화를 활용하고자 한다는 것을

His comment about sending a special envoy to North Korea suggests/ that the US is creating a method of dialogue along with neighboring countries, and/ that it is weighing the conditions necessary for initiating talks.

① 그의 대북 특사파견 언급은 (② / ③) 시사(示唆)한다./ ② 미국이 이웃국가(6차 참여국)들과 더불어 대화의 방법을 만들어 가고 있고/ ③ 대화를 시작하는데 필요한 조건을 놓고 저울질하고 있음을

[2nd] =============================================================

“North Korea must take meaningful steps to show that it will honor commitments it has already made,”/ Kerry said during a speech at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

“북한은 이미 한 약속들을 존중한다는 점을 보여주는 의미있는 조처를 취해야만 한다”고/ 케리 장관은 일본 도쿄공대 연설에서 말했다.

Analysts interpret “meaningful steps” as a reference/ to North Korea making a public commitment to denuclearization and/ declaring that it will stop developing nuclear materials and launching missiles.

① 전문가들은 “의미있는 조처”를 (② / ③) 언급한 것으로 해석한다./ ② 북한이 비핵화에 대한 공개적인 약속을 하고/ ③ 핵물질 개발(생산)과 미사일 발사를 중단할 것을 선언하는 것을

It is appropriate to make these demands,/ since North Korea declared that it has nullified the Sep. 19 joint statement and other existing agreements.

이런 요구를 하는 것이 타당한 것은/ 북한이 9·19 공동성명을 비롯한 기존 합의가 무효화했다고 선언한 상태이기 때문이다.

However,/ before that happens,/ both sides need to make contact through the appropriate channels, such as North Korea’s UN mission.

하지만,/ 그 일이 일어나기 전이라도,/ 양쪽은 북한의 유엔 대표단 등 적절한 채널(통로)를 통해 접촉해볼 필요가 있다.

Figuring out the other side’s true intentions/ will be a significant help in getting the talks off the ground.

상대의 진의를 파악하는 것은/ 본격적인 대화를 시작하는 데 상당한 도움이 될 것이다.

[3rd] =============================================================

In Kerry’s tour of the region,/ China agreed to take joint action with the US/ to achieve the objective of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

① 이번 케리의 이 지역 순방 과정에서,/ ② 중국은 (③) 미국과 공동행동을 하기로 합의했다./ ③ 한반도 비핵화라는 목표를 이루기 위해

This shows that China will take a more active role than before/ in creating the right mood for negotiations.

① 이것은 중국이 (②) 이전보다 적극적인 역할을 할 것임을 보여주는 것이다./ ② 협상을 위한 올바른 분위기 조성을 함에 있어

The US even hinted/ that it could reduce the missile defense system that it has deployed in the Asia-Pacific region/ in a bid to get China to take action.

① 미국은 (② / ③) 암시하기까지 했다./ ③ 아시아·태평양에 배치한 미사일방어 체제를 감축할 수 있다는 것을/ ② 중국을 움직이게 하기 위해

China must make full use of its resources/ to enable talks between the US and North Korea and the six-party talks to reopen smoothly.

① 중국은 (②) 자신이 가진 자원을 최대한 활용해야 할 것이다./ ② 북-미 대화 및 6자회담이 순조롭게 재개될 수 있도록

Another notable change is/ Japan’s decision to change its position to support talks.

또 하나의 주목할 만한 변화는/ 대화를 지지하는 입장으로 돌아선 일본의 결정이다.

In the past,/ Japan had not hidden its hostile attitude toward the North Korean regime.

과거에,/ 일본은 북한 정권에 대한 적대적 태도를 감추지 않았다.

North Korea continues to state that it will strengthen its nuclear capacity.

북한은 핵 역량을 강화하겠다는 발언을 계속하고 있다.

Since North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said/ that building the country’s nuclear capacity is one of the greatest achievements of his rule,/ it will not be easy for North Korea to publicly back away from this.

① 북한의 지도자 김정은(조선노동당 제1비서)이 (②) 말해온 터여서,/ ② 북한의 핵 역량강화가 그의 최대 치적의 하나라고/ ③ 북쪽이 공개적으로 이를 뒤집기란 쉽지 않을 것이다.

[4th] =============================================================

However,/ as long as the North clings to its nuclear weapons and missiles,/ it will not be able to form the friendly international mood/ that is essential for economic development,/ let alone convince other countries to shelve their hostile policies toward the North/ as Kim himself has demanded.

① 그러나,/ ② 북쪽이 핵과 미사일에 집착하는 한,/ ⑥ 우호적인 국제 분위기를 북한은 형성할 수 없을 것이다./ ⑤ 경제 개발에 필수적인/ ④ 다른 나라들이 대북 적대시 정책을 철회하도록 납득시키는 것은 말할 것도 없고/ ③ 자신이 요구해 온 것처럼

We urge North Korea to respond with enthusiasm to the opportunity for talks that is developing,/ since such opportunities do not come often.

① 우리는 북한이 (②) 조성되고 있는 대화의 기회를 열의 있게(적극적으로) 호응하길 촉구한다./ ② 그런 기회가 자주 오지 않으므로

It is also important for the South Korean government to make an effort.

우리 정부가 노력하는 것도 중요하다.

But since the North has for the moment rejected the proposal for talks made by the South,/ things are at a standstill.

하지만 북한이 우리가 제의한 대화를 당장은(일단은) 거부했으므로,/ 상황은 정돈상태이다.

For now,/ one approach is to support the possibility of talks between the US and North Korea, while/ not giving up on the hope of inter-Korean dialogue.

① 지금으로선,/ ② 하나의 접근법은 (③) 북-미간의 대화가능성 힘을 실어주는 것이다./ ③ 남북 대화를 포기하지 않는 가운데

The ROK-US summits scheduled for the beginning of next month/ will be a good opportunity to do just that.

다음달 초순으로 일정이 잡혀있는 한-미 정상회담이/ 그렇게 할 수 있는 좋은 기회이다.